Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) for substance use and addiction can provide the benefits of both inpatient care and outpatient treatment. 

That’s because they provide a high level of intensity and structure, while also giving patients the freedom to return home and continue their usual responsibilities each day. 

Read on to learn about the many benefits of partial hospitalization and the programs offered at Bayside Behavioral Health in Indiana. 

Indiana PHPs in Addiction Recovery

PHPs are a level of care offered in both addiction recovery and mental health recovery, existing between inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment in intensity. 

You can find this type of program in both addiction treatment and in mental health treatment, oftentimes with both conditions treated simultaneously. 

By receiving intensive care and treatment in a PHP, many people achieve sobriety and leave their program with a better understanding of how to keep themselves safe and happy without substances. 

How to Find a High Quality Indiana PHP

Finding a high quality PHP is important, as you or your loved one will be spending a lot of time there for possibly several months. 

For this reason, you will want to ensure that the facility you attend is of good quality and that your treatment team is compassionate and experienced. 

Steps for finding a high quality PHP in Indiana:

  1. Choose a program that fits your needs: Look at whether the program is accredited, certified, and well-reviewed. Keep in mind that you may need a referral from your primary care physician. 
  2. Participate in an evaluation or assessment: Licensed clinicians will evaluate your mental and physical health and determine the best treatments and therapies for your condition and situation. 
  3. Get a customized treatment plan: Your treatment plan should always be tailored directly to your individual needs and approved by you before beginning treatment. 
  4. Start your recovery journey: Once all details are in place and you’re ready to get started, begin your program and get ready for life changes. 

Partial Hospitalization at Bayside Behavioral Health

In addition to other levels of care, Bayside Behavioral Health in Indiana is proud to provide high-quality PHPs to clients with Medicaid and other forms of payment. 

Your treatment plan will always be customized to suit your own unique needs and goals, and you will consistently be updated about your progress and any changes to your plan. 

People who will benefit the most from our PHP are those who have completed inpatient treatment and are looking for a step-down option before they transition to outpatient treatment. 

Types of Treatments in PHPs

You can find numerous types of treatment within a PHP, including several types of therapy and other services. 

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy gives people the opportunity to discuss their issues with a therapist in a one-on-one setting. This approach allows them to focus on their own personal goals at the same time. 

This type of therapy is often referred to as psychotherapy or talk therapy. It’s an important component of substance abuse treatment that is a part of most treatment plans. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy, on the other hand, requires participation in small groups, usually between 5 and 10 people, with a single counselor or therapist. 

There is usually a teaching component to this type of therapy as well. People often say group therapy is helpful in that it allows for sharing and discussion with others who can relate. 

Family Therapy

Family therapy can be beneficial during addiction treatment, especially if the family member who is struggling also lacks support within their home. 

There are several types of family therapy. Each can be effective in strengthening family relationships and increasing understanding among family members. 

Medication Management

Because people in addiction treatment often have co-occurring disorders, many patients are on prescription medications throughout their time in a program. 

Medication management can help with this by monitoring a patient’s medications and dosages and tracking progress. It’s especially useful for highlighting any side effects that become uncomfortable. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular therapies used in addiction treatment, though it can be used in treating other mental health disorders as well. 

It is a short-term treatment that aims to help people by allowing them to identify their negative thought patterns, change these patterns to more healthy and positive ones, and thus improve their coping skills and behaviors as well. 

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is another effective substance abuse therapy. It was originally designed for people with borderline personality disorder.

This type of therapy usually has a group therapy component where people are taught important skills like mindfulness and emotion regulation. 

Alternative Therapy

Alternative therapies can take on a wide range. They may include therapies like art therapy and music therapy, as well as animal-assisted therapy and equine therapy. 

Also called holistic therapy, these therapies provide healing through creativity, activity, and interaction. They may also integrate movement and breathing-related exercises like yoga and meditation. 

Nutrition and Movement

People who are living with addiction must get their nutrition on track, especially since many types of addiction also lead to malnutrition, lack of appetite, and weight loss. 

Fitness is just as important as nutrition, and can help with physical health and mental health at the same time. 

Dual Diagnosis Care

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses the needs of people who have both a substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental health or behavioral health disorder. 

It often uses a combination of substance use treatments like detox or MAT with mental health treatments like counseling and prescription medications like antidepressants. 

Relapse Prevention

Relapse prevention support is incredibly important, as relapse is a challenge most people living with addiction will come across. 

This type of support can include making a detailed relapse plan and learning healthy coping mechanisms and skills for when you run into difficult life situations. 

Length of Partial Hospitalization Recovery Programs

A typical length for a partial hospitalization program is between one and three months, though this can vary depending on the individual. 

Each day of treatment lasts for about six hours. Patients are expected to attend the PHP three to five days per week, though some will offer treatment up to seven days per week. 

Choosing Your Level of Care: Is PHP Right for You?

PHP can be an excellent choice for many people in recovery treatment. But, it is not always the right level of care. 

Remember: no level of care is better than any other. It’s essential to choose the level of care that is right for you based on your needs and your healthcare provider’s recommendations. 

Here is a breakdown of the different levels of care, including PHPs:

  • Inpatient hospitalization would be better-suited for people who have a high risk of relapse or self-harm and could benefit from having 24/7 supervision to keep them safe.
  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) are often best as step-down options after inpatient rehab and for people who need intensive treatment but still have the option or desire to spend their evenings and weekends at home doing their regular activities. 
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) may work well for someone who doesn’t need treatment as intensive as PHP, but needs more frequent care than outpatient treatment can provide. 
  • Outpatient treatment is often best for people who have already completed a residential program, PHP, or IOP. People in outpatient care are often looking to maintain their mental health and sobriety with continued therapy or group support. 

Who Can Get Treatment in a PHP?

PHPs can be very beneficial in treating a variety of disorders, often treating people for multiple disorders at once. 

People who can get treatment in a PHP are:

  • People with substance abuse disorders, including alcohol use disorders, opioid use disorders, cocaine use disorders, and more. 
  • People with mental illness, including anxiety, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. 

Many people who enter addiction treatment are facing both a substance use disorder and a mental disorder at the same time. 

Fortunately, many PHPs, including the one provided at Bayside Behavioral Health, are well-equipped for these situations. 

Top Benefits of PHPs in Addiction Recovery

There are many benefits to PHPs, and choosing this type of program can be life-changing for those who undertake it. 

Benefits of PHPs in addiction recovery include:

  • Large amount of supervision and structure
  • Freedom to maintain work and school outside of treatment
  • Ability to access and maintain support system at home
  • Access to a wide range of treatment options
  • Evenings and weekends free to relax
  • Allows people to avoid an uncomfortable hospital setting for treatment

If you are still unsure whether a PHP is right for you, speak with a healthcare provider that you trust or call us at Bayside Behavioral Health. 

Indiana PHP Cost & Insurance 

The cost of PHPs can vary depending on factors like location, types of treatment offered, length of program, and frequency of treatment.

PHPs can often be paid for, at least partially, by private or state-funded insurance. 

Before you decide that any particular program is too expensive or out of reach for you, consider that many facilities offer financial assistance. Some options are payment plans or sliding fee scales based on income. 

Bayside Behavioral Health works primarily with patients who have Medicaid, but we also work with people via private pay and offer flexible payment options. 

Can You Work or Go to School During a PHP?

Yes, you can continue to work or go to school, as well as take care of other obligations and responsibilities, while attending a PHP. 

Keep in mind, however, that most PHP programs last for around six hours per day. So, you would have to fit your work and school around the intensive schedule of your PHP. 

Questions to Ask Before Starting a PHP

If you are interested in a specific facility or a few potential facilities, make sure that you ask the right questions to help you decide which facility is right for you. 

Questions to ask before starting a PHP include:

  • Are you licensed?
  • Do you accept insurance and if so, what types?
  • Do you offer any types of financial assistance?
  • Are your treatment providers licensed?
  • Can I tour the facility in person?
  • Do you offer transportation?
  • Do you help students with school?
  • How long is your program?
  • Do you offer any other levels of care?
  • How many days and hours per week are required for attendance?
  • What happens if I want to end my program early?

Indiana PHP Aftercare Options

Indiana PHP programs may also provide aftercare options or connect people to aftercare options in their area. 

Sober Living

Sober living, or transitional living, is a safe and supportive environment where people in recovery can share housing with others who are also in recovery. 

These can be truly wonderful places for people who do not have support at home or who are concerned about triggers they may face when returning home. 

Continued Therapy

Because addiction is considered a lifelong condition, there is always the potential chance for relapse. That’s why people can benefit from continuing therapy even after completion of a program. 

Therapy can help people deal with any residual issues they are experiencing from substance use as well as manage any new situations that arise for them. 

Support Groups

People can also attend support groups as a way of continuing care. You attend support groups at your convenience, and with the frequency you desire. 

Often, these support groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, allow people to keep their anonymity when attending which can be beneficial to many. 

Find Affordable PHP in Indiana for Your Recovery

Quality partial hospitalization programs and mental health services are available in Indiana and can be much more affordable than people may realize. 

For a quality Medicaid rehab program in Indiana that can help you or your loved one find better overall wellness, we encourage you to consider our PHP at Bayside Behavioral Health. 

Our facilities are licensed by the state of Indiana and all treatment providers and mental health professionals are certified, compassionate, and here to listen and help. 

FAQs on Addiction Partial Hospitalization Programs 

Is partial hospitalization or residential treatment better?

Neither PHP nor residential treatment is necessarily better than the other. What may be best for one person may not be best for another, and it truly depends on the individual. 

For instance, residential treatment may be better for someone who is at risk of self-harm and who needs more supervision. A PHP may be better for someone who wants to maintain their schoolwork or employment. 

Is Medicaid rehab effective?

Yes, rehab that is covered by Medicaid can be just as effective as programs not covered by Medicaid. These programs often share many similar features and many of the same treatments. 

In fact, many rehab centers accept both state-funded healthcare insurance like Medicaid and Medicare, as well as private insurance and other payment methods. 

Can you fully recover from drug or alcohol abuse in a PHP?

Addiction is considered a chronic and lifelong condition, so it is not considered possible to fully recover from drug or alcohol abuse. 

With treatment in a PHP, it is highly possible to achieve sobriety and learn to manage the symptoms of addiction in a healthy way for the long-term. 

If a PHP doesn’t work, do you have to go through treatment again?

If you are still struggling after completing a PHP you do not necessarily have to go through treatment again, but you may at least want to seek continued care and support in therapy. 

Remember, needing continued treatment does not mean that your treatment failed. It only confirms the idea that addiction is a chronic condition that often requires long-term care and management. 


Anxiety & Depression Association of American (ADAA). “Understanding Levels of Care in Mental Health Treatment.” Retrieved from: Accessed on May 21, 2024. 

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). “Treatment and Recovery.” Retrieved from: Accessed on May 22, 2024. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). “Types of Treatment.” Retrieved from: Accessed on May 22, 2024.